Why Start a Blog?

I have been wanting to start a blog for a while to put my thoughts and journeys into words that others can read as well as for myself.  I have never excelled in writing, but it has been weighing on me to start, so why not?  This leads to the next point of what this blog will be about.  Be the journey.  Journey's surround us in our lives.  There are solo journeys and journeys with other people.  There are long journeys and short journeys.  There are fun journeys and not so fun journeys.  With all of these journeys, they affect us whether we realize it or not.  Wherever these journeys take you, be in it.  Be in the moment and enjoy where you are going.  Don't stress about the future because you have now and that is good enough!  So remember to be the journey and I hope you find some entertainment and lessons from this blog!  Here's to the start of my blogging journey.


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